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1. Which of the following statements about benchmarks is false?

A. The managers' supervisors, their peers, and the managers themselves must complete the instrument to ensure its effectiveness.

B. The instrument measures 16 skills and perspectives, such as how well managers deal with subordinates, acquire resources, and create a productive work climate.

C. The items measured by benchmarks are based on research into the lessons that executives have learned as a result of critical events within their careers.

D. While managers enjoy completing the instrument and find the results interesting, research is inconclusive regarding the skills measured and their relationship to on-the-job performance.

2. Which of the following is a false statement about the glass ceiling?

A. The barrier may be due to stereotypes that hinder the development of women and minorities.

B. Research shows male managers receive more assignments involving high levels of responsibility than do female managers of similar ability and managerial level.

C. The barrier may be due to a lack of access to training programs, developmental job experiences, and developmental relationships, such as mentoring.

D. Research has found gender differences in accessing job experiences involving transitions and creating change.

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M92031971

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