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1. When you enforce referential integrity and choose the _______________ option, then deleting a record on the primary key side of the relationship would automatically delete all records that reference the primary key.

a. cascade delete related record

b. Relationship

c. Entity Relationship Diagram

d. cascade update related fields

2. In Access, the table view that is used to enter, delete or modify data in a table is called_______________

a. Datasheet view.

b. Export view.

c. Design view.

d. ERD view

3. When you enforce referential integrity and choose the _______________ option, updating the primary key would update all values in the foreign key in the related table.

a. cascade update related fields

b. Relationship

c. Entity Relationship Diagram

d. cascade delete related record

4. In Access, the table view that is used to shape the structure of a table such as specify name, data types and description of fields is known as _______________

a. Export view.

b. Design view.

c. Datasheet view.

d. ERD view

5. Database technology involving relationship between several tables representing entities, and primary/foreign keys representing relationships is known as ___________

a. Query Language

b. Access 2016

c. Relational Databases

d. SQL

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M92493819

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