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1) What is DNA? How many chemical bases make up the human DNA code? What bases pair with one another?

2) What is an allele? What is a chromosome? How many pairs of chromosomes do most human cells possess?

3) What is the Human Genome Project (HGP)? What were two primary goals of the HGP? List some of the applications for the data obtained from the HGP. How might this information be used for later research?

4) What is a genetic variation? Explain some of the major types of genetic variations that may occur.


Please answer the following discussion questions listed above. Each answer should be in essay format and should be substantive and detailed to include a minimum of 500 words. You are welcome and encouraged to exceed this minimum length requirement. Note: During the weeks in which more than one question is posed, your cumulative post (addressing all questions) should be a minimum of 500 words.

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