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1. Suppose a country has 100 million people, of who 50 million are of working age. Of these 50 million, 20 million have jobs. Of the remainder: 10 million are actively searching for jobs; 10 million would like jobs but are notsearching; and 10 million do not want jobs at all. The official unemployment rate is:

Question 3 options:






2. Suppose a country has 100 million people, of who 50 million are of working age. Of these 50 million, 20 million have jobs. Of the remainder: 10 million are actively searching for jobs; 10 million would like jobs but are notsearching; and 10 million do not want jobs at all. The labour force participation rate is:

Question 4 options:






3. When the unemployment rate rises:

Question 5 options:

A.the labour force participation rate tends to fall

B.the number of discouraged workers tends to remain constant

C.the number of discouraged workers tends to fall

D.the number of employed workers tends to rise

E.the number of employed workers tends to remain constant

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92365141
  • Price:- $20

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