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1. Explain the roles of Top, Middle & Front-Line Managers in 3 areas: (1) Planning, (2) Policies & (3) Managing Employees. Also, explain the 3 Managerial Skills (Conceptual, Human & Technical) & how they apply to the 3 types of Managers.

2. Based on the class Lecture & PowerPoints, explain the various degrees of doing Global Business: (1) Global Sourcing, (2) Imports-Exports, (3) Licensing-Franchising, (4) Joint Ventures-Strategic Alliances & (5) Foreign Subsidiaries. 

3. Explain (1) Programmed & (2) Non-Programmed Decisions and give an example of each. Also, explain the difference between (1) Certainty & (2) Risk and give an example of each. Use the 5 Steps of the Decision-Making Process to select a Cell Phone Provider.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92364928
  • Price:- $15

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