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1- Discuss the issues of consent and past sexual history as they pertain to rape cases and explain why these issues are legally problematic.

2- Watch the video "Stubenville: After the party is Over" (click the title). Why do you think the boys sexually assaulted the girl? What were their reasons? Why did the bystanders stand by and not help the victim? What would propel them to take pictures and videos? Should the bystanders be punished? If so, what should their punishment be?

3- Compare and contrast the contemporary forms of interpersonal violence such as hate crimes, stalking, and workplace violence. What similarities and differences are found? Please be sure to explain your answer and give examples where applicable.

4- Should hate crimes be punished more severely than crimes motivated by greed, anger, and revenge? Why should crimes be distinguished in terms of the motivations of the perpetrator? Is hate a more heinous motivation than revenge?

5- Under what circumstances, if any, might the legalization or decriminalization of sex-related material be beneficial to society?

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  • Reference No.:- M92390896
  • Price:- $10

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