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1. Differentiate among paid, owned, and earned media. Give a specific example of each of the following types of media for Coca-Cola: 

(A) Paid media 

(B) Owned media 

(C) Earned media

2. The Core Reading describes social media as a double-edged sword. Explain what is meant by this phrase in the context of digital marking and provide at least one example.

3. The following data are collected after a firm runs a search marketing campaign. The average margin per transaction generated from the search marketing program is $200.

 Media Spending = $524,000; Impressions = 4,768,407; Clicks = 182,341; Transactions = 3,453 

Determine each of the following metrics for the program detailed above:

(A) Click-through rate 

(B) Conversion rate 

(C) Cost per click 

(D) Cost per sale or transaction 

(E) Profit from the search ad program 

(F) Search ad return on investment

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92385373
  • Price:- $15

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