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1. Develop Part 2: Solution to Problem and Advantages (3-4 pages for 6-8 pages total)

2. Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement clearly in the first paragraph. (The thesis statement may need to be modified to reflect added information and purpose of this part.)

3. Explain a detailed, viable solution that supports your thesis. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.

4. State, explain, and support the first advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, social, equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.

5. State, explain, and support the second advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, social, equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.

6. State, explain, and support the third (and fourth if desired) advantage (economic, social, political, environmental, social, equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.

7. Use effective transitional words, phrases, and sentences.

8. Provide a concluding paragraph / transitional paragraph that summarizes the proposed solution and its advantages.

9. Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

10. Use one (1) or more rhetorical strategies (ethos, logos, pathos) to explain advantages.

11. Support advantage claims with at least three (3) additional quality relevant references. Use at least six (6) total for Parts 1 and 2. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92418472

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