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1. Describe truancy courts and the findings of a 2006 study on the Truancy Court Diversion Program (TCDP).

2. Briefly describe the restorative justice balanced approach: Client/Customers - Goals - Values.

3. Summarize Graham v. Florida (2010) - provide the facts, the ruling by the Court, and discuss how the ruling has impacted the juvenile justice system.

4. Summarize Miller v. Alabama (2011) - provide the facts, the ruling by the Court, and discuss how the ruling has impacted the juvenile justice system.

5. Using the federal definition, define and describe characteristics and classification criteria of gangs.

6. Discuss female gang membership.

7. Describe, in detail, the Riyadh Guidelines of 1990.

8. List and describe, in detail, the Beijing Rules.

9. Summarize the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child - CRC (1989).

10. Describe the four possibilities for the future of the juvenile justice system.

11. Summarize the elements that make up a model juvenile intervention system.

12. Describe the characteristics of future juvenile offenders.

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  • Reference No.:- M92390138
  • Price:- $10

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