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1. Asking appropriate questions and writing effectively can help people learn a new language. In this exercise, consider how Abhey and his coworkers can use these skills to help each other. Refer to Chapter 9 as you complete this part of assignment.

Review the exercise Decision Making at Work titled "Project 9.4: The New CSR - Temporary Hire" on page 154 and address the following questions. Write a minimum of one paragraph for each topic.

  • What are some things Abhey can do to complete his duties on his own more easily?
  • Do you feel that the supervisor should be informed that Abhey has not yet developed his business writing skills and that others are helping him? Explain.
  • How can his coworkers ask appropriate questions to help Abhey and his customers?

2. Next, especially in a struggling economy, the enduring value of existing customers is significant for any organization. When a company loses a customer, it does not lose just one sale, but rather a lifetime opportunity of profitability with that individual. In this assignment, you will consider how to effectively administer a customer retention strategy. Review the What Do You Think Now Project 7.1 on page 121 and answer each question. Write a minimum of one paragraph for each topic.

Your final submission should be 1-2 pages

Reading and Questions

Question 1 - A temporary, six-month CSR position has just been filled at Dallas Distribution Center. The new hire is Abhey Patel, a very nice and bright person, who everyone agrees works extremely hard. Abhey has recently established citizenship in America from his homeland, India. Realizing the need to write to customers using proper English and grammar, the other CSRs have been covering for Abhey, proofreading his letters and e-mail messages for him. He is currently enrolled in an ESL (English as a Second Language) night class, but he hasn't mastered all the fine points yet.

Question 2 - Assume you are doing a classroom presentation on customer retention strategies. Reread your responses to the What Do You Think? questions that you completed throughout this chapter. What are some service attitudes and practices that promote retaining custo- mers? What service issues must be carefully addressed by CSRs to retain customers over a long period of time? Which skills should CSRs demonstrate that keep customers returning for more products? Compile your responses, as directed by your instructor.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92026498

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