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1. As a document examiner, in each of the following situations, indicate how you would recover the original writing that is not visible to the naked eye.

a. The original words have been obliterated with a different ink than was used to compose it.

b. The original words have been obliterated by chemical erasure.

c. The original writing was made with fluorescent ink.

d. The original documents have been charred or burned.

2. Detail how an electronic crime scene be processed.

3. How can law enforcement use the locations of cell tower information in a criminal investigation?

4. What type of evidence can be extracted from a mobile device?


Original responses to the Forum questions each week need to be substantial (350 words) and significantly supported by the course textbook and at least one other scholarly source. Students must also use proper spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. The in-text citations and references will be in APA Format.

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