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1. A suspected juvenile offender released with a warning by a police officer at the stationhouse is an example of a ______. a. nominal disposition b. diversion c. preliminary diversion d. restoration

2. The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 was designed to ______. a. punish chronic juvenile offenders b. deinstitutionalize status offenders c. create long term secure confinement institutions d. none of the above

3. One of the benefits of diversion is ______. a. it widens the net over juveniles brought into the juvenile justice system b. it's suitable for all offenders c. it decreases the caseload of juvenile court prosecutors d. it increases the focus on delinquent offenders

4. A juvenile justice model that emphasizes accountability, public safety, and competency development is known as ______. a. Operation SHIELD b. Reparative Probation Program c. Community Peace Conferencing d. Balanced and Restorative Justice

5. Informal proceedings, where juries of one's peers hear and decide minor cases are often referred to as ______. a. kangaroo courts b. teen courts c. adolescent courts d. juvenile courts Unit 4 Examination 136 BCJ 210 Juvenile Justice

6. The teen court model where adults are judges and teens fill the role of prosecutor, defense attorney, and jury is called the ______. a. tribunal model b. adult judge model c. youth judge model d. peer jury model

7. The youth judge model of teen courts is used in about ______. a. one-fourth of all teen courts in the country b. one-third of all teen courts in the country c. one-half of all teen courts in the country d. two-thirds of all teen courts in the country

8. The first American day reporting centers were established in ______. a. Connecticut and Massachusetts b. Rhode Island and Connecticut c. Rhode Island and New York d. New York and Connecticut

9. All probation is ______. a. without conditions b. punitive c. conditional d. statutory

10. The first probation law was enacted in ______. a. Massachusetts b. Chicago c. Boston d. New York

11. Unconditional probation ______. a. has special restrictions attached b. minimizes the juvenile's movement c. has no formal controls to monitor the juvenile's behavior d. requires specialized individual attention Unit 4 Examination 137 BCJ 210 Juvenile Justice

12. An example of specialized conditions of probation would be ______. a. obey all laws b. attend a driver safety course c. permit the probation officer to visit d. answer your probation officer truthfully

13. Outcome-focused probation measures ______. a. the number of juveniles placed on probation b. focus on probation officer workloads c. emphasize the need for more probation d. focus on achievement of probation goals

14. A successful probation program is one in which POs have an awareness of juvenile offenders' needs and ______. a. attitudes b. abilities c. issues d. weaknesses

15. The balanced approach to juvenile probation is a ______. a. punitive approach b. rehabilitative approach c. constructive approach d. conventional approach

16. Which of the following is NOT considered a goal of juvenile corrections? a. deterrence b. leniency and forgiveness c. rehabilitation and reintegration d. punishment and retribution

17. An example of nonsecure confinement is ______. a. boot camp b. group home c. shock probation d. industrial school Unit 4 Examination 138 BCJ 210 Juvenile Justice

18. The number of youths in the foster care system in 2012 total ______. a. 250,000 b. approximately 400,000 c. over one million d. about 100,000

19. The average length of stay for a juvenile in a foster home is approximately ______. a. 13.4 months b. 5 years c. 2 years d. 1 year

20. Group homes differ from shelter care facilities in that ______. a. shelter care facilities are usually in residential areas and group homes are not b. shelter care facilities house more youths than group homes c. shelter care facilities are short-term, while group homes are longer-term d. shelter care facilities are nonsecure, while group homes are secure

21. Shock incarceration is ______. a. a short term correctional program b. designed to punish youth c. nonsecure placement d. similar to a group home

22. Secure confinement involves placing the youth in boot camps and ______. a. training schools and other similar institutions b. on house arrest c. in foster care d. on intensive probation

23. Confinement in a secure juvenile facility usually for a year or longer is called a ______. a. secure placement b. commitment placement c. short-term confinement d. shock probation Unit 4 Examination 139 BCJ 210 Juvenile Justice

24. Short-term detention usually lasts for ______. a. about two months b. one year or less c. one to 30 days d. 12 hours

25. Long-term detention usually lasts for ______. a. an average of 180 days b. approximately one year or longer c. about two months d. six months

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