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1. A standard shipping document required by the EPA for shipments of hazardous wastes is known as the ____.

Way Bill

Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest

air bill

dangerous cargo manifest

Question 2.2. The range of concentrations at which a flammable gas or vapor mixed with air will burn if an ignition source is present is known as the ____.

concentration range

flammable range

flammable point

saturation point

Question 3.3. The ability of a material to pass from a solid state to a gaseous state without becoming a liquid is known as ____.





Question 4.4. A poisonous material that affects the nervous system is known as a ____.


systemic toxin



Question 5.5. The velocity of detonation for black power is ____ feet per second.





Question 6.6. The colors used in the NFPA system indicate three key hazards: ____.

toxicity, flammability, and reactivity

health, flammability, and explosiveness

health, flammability, and radioactivity

health, flammability, and reactivity

Question 7.7. The process that occurs when an acid mixes with water is known as ____.





Question 8.8. An expression of the shattering effect of a particular explosive material is known as ____.



explosive charge


Question 9.9. Actions that are required to be taken to prevent the potential for infection are known as ____ precautions.





Question 10.10. The process in which a base dissolves fat and turns the fat into water-soluble materials is known as ____.





Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M91698450
  • Price:- $20

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