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1 - What is the Harvard healthy eating plate? Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source(s).  Describe how the recommendations of Harvard healthy eating plate compare with what you do at home. Explain how the actual size of the plate affects how much you consume for each meal. Describe the difference or similarity in the actual plate sizes at restaurants compared to the actual plate size you use at home.

2- Explain how the size of the plate at a salad bar in a restaurant affects the amount of food you consume before eating the main course. Describe the recommendations for each section of the Harvard healthy eating plate. Explain why the fruit section smaller than the vegetable section of the plate. Describe what items are not on the plate but are included beside the plate. Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source(s). (Minimum 10 sentences)

3 - Explain what is meant by sustainability. Explain how sustainability benefit consumers. Explain how you as a consumer can promote sustainability in your local supermarket. Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source(s).  (Minimum 10 sentences).

4 - Identify the number of vegetables and fruits which are grown locally or regionally and compare with the number of vegetables and fruits imported into the United States. Provide a list identifying where your favorite vegetables and fruits are grown. Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source(s).  (Minimum 10 sentences).

5 - Eating just 150 calories more a day than you use can lead to an extra 5 pounds over 6 months. That's a gain of 10 pounds a year. If you don't want this weight gain to happen, or you want to lose the extra weight, you can either reduce your ENERGY IN or increase your ENERGY OUT. Find a reliable online source to help you with this question. Describe three ways to cut 150 calories or more (ENERGY IN). Describe three ways to burn 150 calories or more (ENERGY OUT).

Identify your reliable source(s) and provide a working link for your reliable source(s). Minimum 10 sentences).

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  • Reference No.:- M92364492
  • Price:- $20

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