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I was diagnosed with prostitis. I am a 25 yr old Male. I took 2 doses of 500mg (2 days worth out of 14). On the third day I decided to stop and switched to bactrium. That day I also worked out. The following night (over 24 hours from last dose of Levaquin) I woke up in the middle of the night and my left Achilles tendon was really sore and had a rash. I was wearing a sleeve for plantar facitis at the time. So I took off the sleeve and rash+ swelling went away.

My question is was the swelling and rash due to the levaquin? I have worn the sleeve many times and never has this happened. 

also when will levaquin be out of my system?

Medical Education, Medical Advice

  • Category:- Medical Education
  • Reference No.:- M9709928

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