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Your statistics instructor claims that 60% of students that take her Elementary Statistics class go thru life feeling more enriched. You believe the actual number of students that took her Elementary statistics class that feel more enriched is less than 60%. You decide to check her conjecture by randomly survey 64 of her past students. In your random survey of 64 of her previous students 33 of the students felt more enriched. At a significance level of 5% does the data support your belief?

  1. What is the null hypothesis for this hypothesis test?
  2. What is the alternate hypothesis for this hypothesis test?
  3. What is the significance level of the test?
  4. What is the appropriate distribution to use to answer the question?
  5. What is the numeric value of the Test Statistic?
  6. What is the numeric value of the Pvalue?
  7. What is the Pvalue Decision rule?
  8. What is the appropriate decision based upon your analyses of the data?

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M92363555
  • Price:- $40

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