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You are considering a stock investment in one of two firms (AllDebt, Inc., and AllEquity, Inc.), both of which operate in the same industry and have identical operating income of $8.50 million. AllDebt, Inc., finances its $35 million in assets with $34 million in debt (on which it pays 10 percent interest annually) and $1 million in equity. AllEquity, Inc., finances its $35 million in assets with no debt and $35 million in equity. Both firms pay a tax rate of 30 percent on their taxable income. Calculate the income available to pay the asset funders (the debt holders and stockholders) and resulting return on asset-funders' investment for the two firms. (Enter your dollar answers in millions of dollars. Round all answers to 2 decimal places.)

AllDebt AllEquity

Income available for asset funders $_____m $_____ m

Return on asset-funders' investment _____ % _____%

Financial Management, Finance

  • Category:- Financial Management
  • Reference No.:- M92384218

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