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The public finance is of absolute importance to the people as a society and on an individual level too. The public finance refers to the taxation and policies that are put into the place by government to keep finances of country in the check. They often fluctuate to supply for different things and events that modify economy out of the government's hands.

The public finance is a study of the role of government in economy. It is the branch of the economics which assesses the government income and the government expenditure of public authorities and adjustment of one or the other to achieve the desirable effects and avoid the undesirable ones. The purview of public finance is considered to be the three fold: governmental effects on efficient allocation of resources, macroeconomic stabilization and distribution of income.


The collection of sufficient resources from economy in an appropriate manner along with the allocating and the use of these resources effectively and efficiently constitute the good financial management. Resource allocation, resource generation and the expenditure management (the resource utilization) are the important components of the  public financial management system.

The Public Finance Management (PFM) basically deals with all the aspects of the resource mobilization and the expenditure management in government. Just as managing the finances is a significant function of the management in any organization, similarly the public finance management is an critical part of governance process. The Public finance management includes the resource prioritization, mobilization of programmers, efficient management of resources, the budgetary process and the exercising controls. The Rising aspirations of people are placing more demands on the financial resources. At the same time, the importance of the citizenry is on value for the money, thus making the public finance management increasingly very important. The following subdivisions form subject matter of the public finance.

1) Federal finance

2) Financial administration

3) Public debt

4) Public revenue

5) Public expenditure


1)Provide expert operational and policy advice to support Regions in preparation of the concept papers as well as preparation, identification and the implementation of Customs and the border management-related capacity building projects, investment and the programs;

2)Maintain the active dialogue and the relations with external partners in private sector and the international agencies to bring the resources and the state of art expertise in the support of Bank operations;

3)Represent the World Bank at the appropriate regional, international and the national fora;

4)To develop and implement a program of learning and the dissemination based on the cross-country experiences and the best practices;

5)To develop and maintain a register of the consultants and prepare the standardized Terms of Reference; it provide the direct support to the Bank operations through participation in the Bank missions and through provision of on-time expert advice through the desk reviews and the monitoring of the investment and policy-based lending operations;

6)Conduct the research and prepare case studies and to prepare occasional papers on the Customs and the border management issues;

7)To Develop and maintain a resource center of the Customs and the border management related resource materials, documentation, performance indicators and the capacity building tools.


Usually, the security of a publicly traded company is owned by the many investors while the shares of a privately held company are owned by the relatively few shareholders. Therefore, the publicly traded companies are able to raise the funds and capital through sale of their securities, whether the debt or equity, to a wide range of the buyers. This is the reason publicly traded corporations are significant; prior to their existence, it was very hard to gain the large amounts of the capital for private enterprises. The magnitude of funding available from the public financing is its chief advantage.


The IMF reckons that the gross government financing needs for the rich countries will rise to 27% of their combined GDP in 2011 from the 25.8% of their output last year. Increases in the debt rollovers because of the higher stocks of debt and the shorter maturities on some crisis-period borrowing will outweigh the reductions in budget deficits. In 2012 financing needs of the rich countries will drop. The Greece is an exception. Despite a reduction in its budget deficit from the 9.6% of GDP in 2010 to the 6.2% in 2012, its gross financing needs as a fraction of the GDP will grow to the 26% in 2012 compared with 23.2% in 2010 and 24% this year.


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