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Where do CFOs get their money news?

Where do CFOs get their money news? According to Robert Half International, 47% get their money news from newspapers, 15% get it from communication/colleagues, 12% get it from television, 11% from the Internet, 9% from magazines, 5% from radio, and 1% do not know. Suppose a researcher wants to test these results. She randomly samples 76 CFOs and finds that 40 of them get their money news from newspapers. Does the test show enough evidence to reject the findings of Robert Half International? Use a = .05.

Make sure you clearly state both the null and the alternative hypotheses in full sentences. Following your calculations, clearly state the conclusion in the same manner (do not simply say "accept/reject null") and explain how you arrived at this conclusion (based on which metrics).

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M93115397
  • Price:- $10

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