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A sample of Alzheimer's patients are tested to assess the amount of time (in minutes) in stage IV sleep. It has been hypothesized that individuals suffering from Alzheimer's Disease may spend less time per night in the deeper stages of sleep. The number of minutes spent is Stage IV sleep is recorded for thirty patients (refer to sample data below of stage IV sleep over a 24 hour period). Compute a 95 percent confidence interval for this data. What does this information tell you about a particular individual's (an Alzheimer's patient) stage IV sleep? describe your findings so that your non-quantitative partner will understand them.

Stage IV Sleep in Minutes

28.5 37.4 18.5 53.2 61.3 18.75 33.9 27.1 73.0 53.4 66.0 20.5 51.7 57.25 35.6

33.4 25.1 65.3 55.0 35.0 19.25 81.5 44.1 28.7 36.5 32.2 47.3 41.7 39.75 18.3

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M998367

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