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True / False Questions

1. Residual income is another term for economic value added.

True False

2. EVA is the net profit of the firm adjusted for the cost of capital.

True False

3. c

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

4. When a firm's long-term debt-equity ratio is .98, the firm:

A. has too much long-term debt in relation to leases.

B. has less long-term debt than equity.

C. is nearing insolvency.

D. has as much in long-term liabilities as in equity.

5. If a firm's total debt ratio is greater than .5, then:

A. its current liabilities are quite high.

B. its debt-equity ratio exceeds 1.0.

C. it has too few total assets.

D. it has more long-term debt than equity.

6. An asset's liquidity measures its:

A. potential for generating a profit.

B. cash requirements.

C. ease and cost of being converted to cash.

D. proportion of debt financing.

7. Which of the following actions could improve a firm's current ratio if it is now less than 1.0?

A. Converting marketable securities to cash

B. Paying accounts payable with cash

C. Buying inventory on credit

D. Selling inventory at cost

8. A firm's quick ratio of .49 suggests the firm:

A. has a low level of current liabilities.

B. has been overstating the value of its inventory.

C. faces a potentially serious liquidity crisis.

D. should reduce its holdings of cash and/or marketable securities.

9. The inventory turnover ratio compares:

A. current assets to average inventory.

B. cost of goods sold to average inventory.

C. average receivables to average inventory.

D. average assets to average inventory.

10. What is the residual income for a firm with $1 million in total capital, $300,000 in net income, and a 20% cost of capital?

A. $100,000

B. $140,000

C. $240,000

D. $500,000

11. What is the residual income for a firm with $1 million in total capital, $300,000 in net income, and a 20% cost of capital?

A. $100,000

B. $140,000

C. $240,000

D. $500,000

12. Which of these indicates that a firm is efficient?

A. A high average collection period

B. A high day's sales in inventories

C. A low asset turnover

D. A high inventory turnover

Financial Management, Finance

  • Category:- Financial Management
  • Reference No.:- M91546554

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