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The following data was collected to find out whether or not Nassau Community College students work 18 hours per week:

20 22 25 12 30
49 10 30 17 15
0 24 20 22 23
20 25 24 30 12
15 29 0 25 2
40 30 0 33 0
45 30 38 48 0
40 20 0 0 24

1. Explain the population.

2. Explain the sample.

3. Describe the null hypothesis.

4. Describe the alternative hypothesis.

5. Select the significance level.

6. Find out the test statistic.

7. Find out the p-value.

8. Describe your conclusion.

9. Explain your findings to a friend who does not understand statistics.

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M91124443

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