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The accounting department believes that continuous learning is critical to your success so it is requiring us to participate in a continuing education course.

Everyone will need to attend/view a CPE course and then post about it here. This doesn’t have to be your first post for the week, but it does need to be one of your posts.

The department has put together a list of FREE CPE courses to attend. They are located at:

1)    CPAacademy

2)    CCH Intelliconnect

3)    Anti-fraud Collaboration offered by the AICPA

4)    PwC

5)    My CPE Resource

6)    IRS Free CPEs

7)    Deloitte

8)    Gleim (one free 4-hour course)

The key for us is that whichever course you attend/view needs to be about fraud. When I searched the CPAacademy website using the keyword fraud, only five courses came up. There are another five courses located one the AICPA website (see the link at #3 above). The ACFE offers continuing education classes but they are not free. If you can find a free CPE about fraud from a reputable source, you can use it for this assignment.

In your post, you will summarize what you learned and state whether or not you would recommend the webinar to your classmates and explain why. You are required to submit this both as text AND audio. Copy and paste your post into the text box as usual. You can then record the audio by clicking on the Add Attachments button below the post box and selecting Record Audio

Financial Management, Finance

  • Category:- Financial Management
  • Reference No.:- M92390418

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