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Qusetion: The manager of a computer store has kept track of the number of computers sold per day. On the basis of this information, the manager produced the following list of the number of daily sales.

Number of Computers Sold        Probability

0                                             .08

1                                             .17

2                                             .26

3                                             .21

4                                             .18

5                                             .10

a. If we define the experiment as observing the number of computers sold tomorrow, determine the sample space.

b. Use set notation to define the event, sell more than three computers.

c. What is the probability of selling five computers?

d. What is the probability of selling two, three, or four computers?

e. What is the probability of selling six computers?

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M92374581
  • Price:- $10

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