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Question: Underage drinking The Harvard College Alcohol Study finds that 67% of college students support efforts to "crack down on underage drinking." Does this result hold at a large local college? To find out, college administrators survey an SRS of 100 students and find that 62 support a crackdown on underage drinking.

(a) Suppose that the proportion of all students attending this college who support a crackdown is 67%, the same as the national proportion. What is the probability that the proportion in an SRS of 100 students is 0.62 or less? Show your work.

(b) A writer in the college's student paper says that "support for a crackdown is lower at our school than nationally." Write a short letter to the editor explaining why the survey does not support this conclusion.

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M92572887
  • Price:- $15

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