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Question: PERSONNEL SELECTION The City Transit Authority plans to hire 12 new bus drivers. From a group of 100 qualified applicants, of whom 60 are men and 40 are women, 12 names are to be selected by lot. Suppose that Mary and John Lewis are among the 100 qualified applicants.

a. What is the probability that Mary's name will be selected? That both Mary's and John's names will be selected?

b. If it is stipulated that an equal number of men and women are to be selected (6 men from the group of 60 men and 6 women from the group of 40 women), what is the probability that Mary's name will be selected? That Mary's and John's names will be selected?

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M92366980
  • Price:- $10

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