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Question: A researcher took a sample of 25 electronics companies and found the following relationship between x and y, where x is the amount of money (in millions of dollars) spent on advertising by a company in 2009 and y represents the total gross sales (in millions of dollars) of that company for 2009.

y^ = 3.6 + 11.75x

a. An electronics company spent $2 million on advertising in 2009. What are its expected gross sales for 2009?

b. Suppose four electronics companies spent $2 million each on advertising in 2009. Do you expect these four companies to have the same actual gross sales for 2009? Explain.

c. Is the relationship between x and y exact or nonexact?

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M92494649
  • Price:- $15

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