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Question 1. Run a minimum of 2 pearson correlation coefficients from the attached dataset (for example bench and 40 yard dash time; squat and 40 yard dash time). Generate scatterplots for both. Summarize the findings (r and P values most importantly). Do your hypothesis testing. Ho vs. Ha for each.

Question 2. Regardless of the P values on pearson, go ahead and do a regression/prediction for practice. (for example 40 yard dash time = Y; bench and squat would be m1 and m2 values; b is the Beta coefficient you will see after running the linear/multiple regression statistic. Then write out the formula. If the P value is <.05 for the regression then it is a valid and reliable predictive formula. Try it out with mock data like bench = 500 pounds and squat = 750 pounds. Does the 40 yard dash time prediction make sense (if P <.05 it should; if P >.05 it should not).

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M92380799
  • Price:- $20

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