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Question 1: Discuss about Andrew Jackson and his role as U.S. President. What conflicts or controversies occurred during his administration? (Identify at least one that you found) What was Andrew Jackson's legacy as president? 

Please mention "The Indian Removal policy"

Question 2: Identify at least one reform movement highlighted in Unit 3 (Temperance movement or the Moral Reform). What was this     movement?  What significant impact did this movement have on American history?

Question 3: After reviewing lessons 13, choose at least one person from this reading that you gained a better understanding of.  Who was this individual?  What was their role in American history?  Why did you choose this individual?  Why do you consider them significant to American history?

Abraham Lincoln -The Lincoln-Douglas debates

Question 4: Many have discussed the Civil War and its impact on American history.  What was your understanding of the Civil War prior to reading.  What is your understanding of it now? 

Question 5: Identify at least one of the battles fought during this war that you understood from the reading. What was the battle and where did it occur?  How is this event significant to the study of U.S. history?

Battle of Appomattox Court House, which was also one of the last battles. This battle occurred near the town of Appomattox Court House, Virginia, on April 9, 1865 (14.15)

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M92364399
  • Price:- $25

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