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Q. Career as a CEO?

Are you a leader Would you enjoy sometime becoming the president or chief executive officer (CEO) of the company you work for after that you should consider a degree in accounting. The accounting field significantly values individuals with leadership potential. Accounting students with the most job offers and the highest starting salaries are as well likely to be the ones who best demonstrate an ability to lead others. Recruiters in public accounting that is tax, auditing, consulting and private accounting that is internal auditing, financial reporting, cost accounting, financial analysis alike demonstrate a strong preference for students with leadership potential.

Providentially you don't have to run a company to demonstrate leadership abilities to college recruiters. A few examples of leadership potential that would look good on a resume include organizing a successful fund-raiser participating effectively as an officer in a student club or taking the lead in a group project. If you don't have a resume yet stop by the career placement centre at your college and ask them to assist you in preparing one. Several students at your level already have a resume and it takes time to refine and develop an effective one. A well-prepared resume will be significant for securing internship opportunities and part-time work in the business field as well as for landing that first job upon graduation.

Did you know that the chief executive officers (CEO) of numerous of the largest merchandising, manufacturing and service organizations in the United States have degrees in accounting? Gary C. Kelly of Southwest Airlines, James Dimon of JPMorgan Chase, Phil Knight of Nike, James J. Mulva of ConocoPhillips and Indra K. Nooyi of PepsiCo all have degrees in accounting. It is actually not that surprising that accounting majors are so successful as accounting provides an excellent foundation in business. With a strong accounting foundation as well as the continued development of leadership abilities over your career you might become a CEO yourself someday.

Managerial Accounting, Accounting

  • Category:- Managerial Accounting
  • Reference No.:- M9568193

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