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In this assignment, assume you are a savvy financial analyst researching companies in which to invest.

Select a U.S. publically-traded company you think might be a good investment and perform a financial analysis. Your analysis should include the following:

Company Overview. Conduct research and describe the company, its operations, locations, markets, and lines of business. Collect financial statements for the past three (3) years, fiscal or calendar (please insert these in the appendix). These financial statements must include at least the income statement and the balance sheet.

Evaluate the company's vulnerability to current financial threats such as a recession, higher interest rates, and global competition.

Financial Performance. Based on the financial trends of the company, predict how these trends will impact financial performance in future periods. describe your rationale for this prediction.

Stock Price Analysis. Given the performance of the stock in the periods presented on the company's financial statements, discuss how the stock is likely to perform in the future, what type of investor would be drawn to this stock, and make a recommendation to management to improve stock performance.

Submit your analysis in the form of a 6-8 page paper in which you:

Provide a detailed overview of a U.S. publicly traded company. This should be one to two (1-2) pages.

Evaluate the company's vulnerability to current financial threats such as a recession, higher interest rates, and global competition.

Based on the financial trends of the company, predict how these trends will impact financial performance in future periods. describe your rationale for this prediction.

Cite at least five (5) quality references.

Basic Finance, Finance

  • Category:- Basic Finance
  • Reference No.:- M948831

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