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One-Sample T-Test

A data set called "Breakfast food data" is on D2L.  You will use this data set to create some graphs and answer some questions about the average sugar content of breakfast foods (grams/serving). Suppose you are very concerned about the amount of sugar your children are consuming and want to keep their sugar intake to under 10 grams for breakfast. To determine how difficult this would be, conduct a hypothesis test to test the claim that the average amount of sugar in breakfast foods is over 10 grams.  Use a 5% significance level to test your claim.  You can only upload one document to the dropbox.  To create one word or PDF document that contains both the write-up and the appendix, you will need to cut and paste your graphs and tables from SPSS into word.

Warning:  Your lab needs to be done independently!  This means that you have to use your own wording and not mine or someone else's. The exception to the rule is when you state the conclusions in words.  For the conclusions you may use my wording!  Every semester I have had to give out zeros for plagiarism.  Please spare me that task!


First create an appendix by cutting and pasting the following output into a word document.

  • A histogram of sugar content (grams/serving) in breakfast foods (only use the"Sugar"column of the data setwhen creatingthis histogram)
  • A boxplot of sugar content (grams/serving) in breakfast foods (only use the"Sugar"column of the dataset whencreating this boxplot)
  • The following output from a One-Sample T-Test (only use the"Sugar"column of the dataset whencreating this boxplot)
    1. One-Sample Statistics Table
    2. One-Sample Test Table

You need to make sure you label each graph (ex: Graph A: Histogram of Sugar Content in Breakfast food) and each table (ex: Table A: One-Sample Statistics Table of Sugar Content in Breakfast Food).  The tables may need to be resized so that the entire table can be seen.  Make sure that none of your tables extend over two pages of your document.  


The write up should be brief and include only the answers to the questions below. Do not write it in a list format, but rather in paragraph form. When describing a graph in the write-up, refer to the graph in your appendix that you are describing as follows:  "The histogram shows the distribution of sugar content of breakfast food............... (Graph A)".  When giving a value taken from one of your tables in the write-up, you need to refer to the table in your appendix from which you obtained the number as follows: "There is sufficient evidence to .............. (P-value = .........., Table A)".  Your typed write-up will be separate from your appendix, but in the same document and should include the following:

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M92363571
  • Price:- $30

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