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Just briefly to what you learned from the statistics below.


Women are 50.85 of the U.S. population. (This and the statistics below are cited from the Center for American Progress, 3/7/2015)

They earn almost 60% of undergraduate degrees, and 60% of all master's degrees.

They earn 47% of all law degrees, and 48% of all medical degrees.

They earn more than 44% of master's degrees in business and management, including 37% of MBAs.

They are 47% of the U.S. labor force, and 59% of the college-educated, entry-level workforce.


Women hold 4.6% of CEO positions at S&P 500 companies and 5.2% of CEO positions in Fortune 1000 companies.

Women are only 14.6 % of executive officers and 8.1 % of top earners in business and professional fields.

Only five women serve as state governors.

19.3% of the members of the U.S. House of Representatives are women. (Ibid)

20% of the members of the U.S. Senate are women. (Ibid)

So, what do you think?

Resources :

1. The Decentering of Second Wave Feminism and the Rise of the Third Wave By SUSAN ARCHER MANN and DOUGLAS J. HUFFMAN

2. What Is Third-Wave Feminism? A New Directions Essay By R . Claire Snyder

3. Womens History in The New Millennium By Anne Firor Scott,Sara M.Evans,Susuan K.Cahn,and Elizabeth Faue


The Other Side of the Coin: A Look at Islamic Law As Compared to Anglo-American Law - Do Muslim Women Really Have Fewer Rights Than American Women? By Kathleen A. Portuan Miller

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M92365058

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