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he Monarch Consulting firm rates the service levels of upscale hotels during Super Bowl weekend. For the 2005 Super Bowl, Marriott, Hilton, and Embassy Suites customers were asked if the service level was sufficient for the price that was charged. 300 customers for each hotel were sampled and 86% of Mariott customers responded positively, while 80% and 75% of customers at Hilton and Embassy Suites, respectively, responded affirmatively. Monarch Consulting would like to determine whether, at the .1 level of significance, there is a meaningful difference in the average level of customer service. The correct Minitab output is given below.

a. What are the null and alternative hypotheses (in algebraic form)?
b. What is the critical value for this test?
c. How many degrees of freedom are necessary to compute the test statistic?
d. Complete the hypothesis test and state your managerial conclusion

Chi-Square Test: M, H, ES

Expected counts are printed below observed counts
Chi-Square contributions are printed below expected counts

M H ES Total
1 258 240 225 723
241.00 241.00 241.00
1.199 0.004 1.062

2 42 60 75 177
59.00 59.00 59.00
4.898 0.017 4.339

Total 300 300 300 900

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M998371

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