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XYZ Corporation is an all-equity financed firm with 5 million shares outstanding. The firm has perpetual EBIT of $10 million. Its current cost of equity with this all-equity capital structure is 10%. The firm plans to issue a perpetual bond with $1,000 face value, 8% annual coupon, and 8% yield to maturity. A total of 10,000 units of such bond will be issued. (Note: A perpetual bond is a bond with indefinite maturity (N = ∞). Use perpetuity concept to evaluate a perpetual bond.) Funds raised from the bonds will be used to repurchase outstanding shares. The effective tax rate is 25% at the corporate level. According to the MM theory, what is the initial change in equity value upon the announcement of the debt for equity exchange?

Basic Finance, Finance

  • Category:- Basic Finance
  • Reference No.:- M948924

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