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You can choose to prepare a 3-5 page report (Times New Roman 12 pt, spacing 1.15, 1 line between paragraphs) on one of the two following topics:

(1) Discuss the different agencies, institutes, centers, and other national bodies that are involved in environmental work, technologies and policies. Describe what role each plays (what aspect of the environmental field they cover, how large is their personnel, what divisions and specialties they have etc.)

(2) Discuss the different environmental companies that are active in UAE. Describe what role each plays (what aspect of the environmental field they cover, how large is their personnel, what divisions and specialties they have etc.)

In both cases try to assess in what environmental specialties there exist job opportunities in the environmental market.


Your report must have a cover page with the title of your topic (short), your name, class name, due date, and the instructor’s name.

You must have references for each source, both in the text and in the bibliography at the end of the report.

The cover page and the bibliography page do not count toward the 3-5 page size of the report.

For referencing inside the text and in the back use the Harvard style of referencing. A link that works is:

or access the University of Western Australia instructions, which are loaded in the blackboard for the course CIV 352.

Corporate Finance, Finance

  • Category:- Corporate Finance
  • Reference No.:- M940

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