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Directions: Read Changing the Portfolio (text provided after the instructions). Write a concise two page essay, report, or memo (1) explaining your approach to solving the problem, (2) what are the most important considerations when deciding who to involve to help you, (3) how much empowerment should those you are involving to help have, and (4) what should you do specifically do get the work done and achieve the appropriate level of empowerment. (5) Your solution must be realistic and achievable and included in your conclusion.

Changing the Portfolio

You are head of a staff unit reporting to the vice president of finance. He has asked you to provide a report on the firm's current portfolio, including recommendations for changes in the current selection criteria. Doubts have been raised about the efficiency of the existing system given the current market conditions, and there is considerable dissatisfaction with prevailing rates of return.

You plan to write the report, but at the moment you are perplexed about the approach to take. Your own specialty is the bond market, and it is clear to you that detailed knowledge of the equity market, which you lack, would greatly enhance the value of the report. Fortunately, four members of your staff are specialists in different segments of the equity market. Together, they possess a vast amount of knowledge about the intricacies of investment. However, they seldom agree on the best way to achieve anything when it comes to investment philosophy and strategy.

You have six weeks before the report is due. You have already begun to familiarize yourself with the firm's current portfolio and have been provided by management with a specific set of constraints that any portfolio must satisfy. Your immediate problem is to come up with some alternatives to the firm's present practices and to select the most promising for detailed analysis in your report.

Financial Management, Finance

  • Category:- Financial Management
  • Reference No.:- M92778799

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