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Please make sure the answers are in APA FORMAT with proper references.

1) Describe what is a J Curve? Why is it helpful?

2) What is the AA-curve? Why does it have a negative slope? What are the factors which cause it to shift?

3) Please describe and give an instance of sterilized foreign exchange intervention.

4) Please discuss the difference between the terms depreciation and devaluation?

5) What is the difference between an expenditure-changing policy and an expenditure-switching policy?

6) Elucidate why under the gold standard a perpetual surplus or a perpetual deficit is impossible.

7) Present the case against the floating exchange rates.

8) How would you examine the utilization of monetary and fiscal policy to maintain internal and external balance beneath floating exchange rates?

Corporate Finance, Finance

  • Category:- Corporate Finance
  • Reference No.:- M911

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