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A sample of students from an introductory psychology class were polled regarding the number of hours they spent studying for the last exam. All students anonymously submitted the number of hours on a 3 by 5 card. There were 24 individuals in the one section of the course polled. The data was used to make inferences regarding the other students taking the course. Construct a 95% confidence interval estimate . describe your findings so that your non-quantitative partner will understand them. Their data is below:

20 18 7.5 11 10 3.5 7.5 18 19 2.5 9 14
9 14 14.5 17 22 4.5 10.5 15 5 8.5 8 20

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M998364

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