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Blackjack is a popular casino game in which the objective is to reach a card count greater than the dealer's without exceeding 21. One version of the game is referred to as the "hole card" version. Here, the dealer starts by drawing a card for himself or herself and putting it aside, face down, without the player's seeing what it is. This is the dealer's hole card (and the origin of the expression "an ace in the hole").

At the end of the game, the dealer has the option of turning this additional card face up if it may help him or her win the game. The no-hole-card version of the game is exactly the same, except that at the end of the game the dealer has the option of drawing the additional card from the deck for the same purpose (assume that the deck is shuffled prior to this draw).

Conceptually, what is the difference between the two versions of the game? Is there any practical difference between the two versions as far as a player is concerned?

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M92179646

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