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This data contains information obtained from a random sample of 104 ‘Tom hotel' from Finland, Sweden and Norway.

Tom is a well-known chain owning of hotels and offers two main types of accommodation, namely A and B. This chain has hotels around various regions in the country. A hotel is run by one manager and has other employees. The directors of ‘Tom' chain would like to obtain a general profile of the hotels in the Scandinavian as well as investigate means of increasing income by investigating factors such as occupancy, advertising expenditure, size of the hotel.....etc.

To carry out this assessment, a questionnaire was distributed to 104 randomly selected ‘Tom hotels'. Each hotel is run by one manager. The manager of each hotel filled the given questionnaire. This information includes the following columns (fields):

1. Number of ‘Tom' hotel
2. State the country in which hotel is located.
        1. = Finland 2. = Sweden 3 = Norway
3. What is the size of your hotel?
        1 = Small (< 50rooms) 2. = Medium (between 50 - 100 rooms) 3 = Large (>100)
4. What is the distance of the hotel from the nearest rail link (in miles)?
5. How much do you spend on average per month on advertising? (£)
6. How many employees does this hotel have? (Both full and part time).
7. State your gender. (Gender of the manager) 1 = Male 2 = Female
8. State the group representing the years of service you have as a hotel

Manager.(Years of service).
1 = 0 - 3 years 2 = 4 - 7 years 3 = > 7 years

9. What do you estimate the average monthly income from?
Accommodation type A to be (£).

10. What do you estimate the average monthly income from?
Accommodation type B to be (£).

Answer these questions:

Task 1:

a) Summarise each categorical variables using Descriptive Statistics.
b) Produce a suitable chart to graphically display the distribution of any relevant variables.

Task 2:

a) Summarise the numerical variables using Descriptive Statistics.
b) Produce a histogram for each of the above numerical variables to graphically display their distribution.

Task 3:

a) Produce one cross tabulation in order to investigate any possible association between two appropriate categorical variables.
b) Produce multiple bar charts for the above cross tabulation.

Task 4:

The directors of ‘Tom Hotels' chain of hotels believe that the Total Average Monthly incomes may have a relationship with the distance of the hotel from the nearest rail link. Is there any evidence for this? Carry out an appropriate analysis to investigate this.

Comment on your results and make relevant recommendation to Tom Hotel's management.

Report structure

Most reports include the following:

Title & contents page - with title, author, date who the report is for etc.

Executive summary - which headlines the contents, especially outcomes or conclusions.


Main text



Appendices Bibliography (11 appropriate)

Attachment:- Coursework data.xls

Applied Statistics, Statistics

  • Category:- Applied Statistics
  • Reference No.:- M92361731
  • Price:- $120

Priced at Now at $120, Verified Solution

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