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Question #1:

How many variables are in the data file? How many participants?

Question #2:

Within the Analyze menu, where do you find the "Independent-Samples T Test..." command?

Question #3:

What does it mean if someone has a "4" for variable #22 "Negative Emotion (Childhood)"?

Question #4:

What was the exact wording we used in the survey for question #92 "Life Satisfaction"?

Question #5:

Repeat the above Frequency Command steps for variables #64 "Beauty Concerns" and #65 "Play Sports". What is the median rating for beauty concerns?

Question #6:

What is the cumulative percentage of people who rated themselves as a "4" or lower on the "Play Sports" variable?

Question #7:

Both of the variables have messy-looking histograms, but which variable is more negatively skewed?

Question #8:

You hypothesize that eating too much causes poor health. Make a scatterplot using variable #86 "Physical Health" and #48 "Eat too Much". Add a best fit line. Based on the scatterplot, does it look like your hypothesis is supported? (Remember, the "cause" goes on the X Axis).

Question #9:

What is the correlation between variable #95 "Sadness" and #94 "Friend Happiness" and what does this finding tell us?

Question #10:

Which of the following variables is most strongly correlated with #68 "Depression"?

#70 "Parents Fought Growing Up"
#91 "Object Relations"
#97 "Attractiveness"
#69 "Listen to Loud Music"

Question #11:

Based on question #10, what is the effect size for the correlation between Attractiveness and Depression?

Question #12:

You hypothesize that sleep problems, stress, and depression, will contribute to somatization (physical aches and pains, particularly when overwhelmed). Run a regression using #52 "Sleep Problems", #61 "Stress", and #68 "Depression" to predict #58 "Somatization". What is the value of R? What is the value of R2? What is the equation for predicting somatization? What conclusions can be drawn?

Question #13:

Using the equation in Section 3Be (the College GPA formula), predict your own college GPA (or a friend's) based on the three predictors. You may need to refer to the data guide to make the conscientiousness rating. Does the formula do a good job of predicting?

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Applied Statistics, Statistics

  • Category:- Applied Statistics
  • Reference No.:- M92385520

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