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As the corporate treasurer, you must have $65,000 to purchase a new machine two years from today. Your company investments have been yielding 10% annually, compounded quarterly. How much will you have to invest today to have $65,000 in two years?

A. $53,349

B. $54,719

C. $55,262

D. $56,543

Lou Lewis borrows $100,000 to be repaid over 10 years at 6 pecent. How much total interest will be paid over the life of this loan?

A. $35,868

B. $37,764

C. $39,742

D. $41,885

Mr. John Smith borrowed $200,000 at 7.50% annual interest to buy a house. He has taken a 15 year mortgage and will be making monthly amortization payments. How much will Mr. Smith's monthly payment be?

A. $1,202.65

B. $1,456.92

C. $1,678.09

D. $1,854.02

A share of common stock paid a dividend last year of $1.20 per share. The company expects future growth to occur at a constant rate of 5.00%. The required rate of return for this stock is 12.00%. What is the value of a share of this stock?

A. $10.00

B. $10.50

C. $17.14

D. $18.00

Financial Management, Finance

  • Category:- Financial Management
  • Reference No.:- M92384451

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