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On completion of this assignment, students are expected to:

1. Find out the basic elements of a remedies and contract available; and

2. Apply the basic elements of contract also other laws in other business transactions in specific; law of agency, partnership, sales of goods and hire buy to the problem given.


This is an individual assignment. Answer both problems.

Assignment Format:

i. Use double space and 12-point of Times New Roman font.

ii. This assignment must contain 4 – 5 pages.

iii. Give references. References must use the American Psychological Association (APA) format

iv. References must be latest (year 2005 and onwards)

problem 1

Analyze the differentiations between a proposal and an invitation to treat and discuss the rules to find out the point of time on that an agreement is reached. Using the newest Malaysian decided cases to support your analysis.

problem 2

Discuss the rule “Nemo dat quod non habet” and its exceptions. Give ex to support your discussion.

Business Law & Ethics, Finance

  • Category:- Business Law & Ethics
  • Reference No.:- M9602

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