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Additional instructions.

Yes, the work consist only in to find an article on a legal issue and prepare a review of the article. This article can be found in the L.A. Times, News Week, a legal periodical or other reputable source.

In the REPORT First : I need to state the source of the article, the title, the author and the date.
Second: I need to summarize the content of the article.
Third: I need to relate the article to concept learned in class. ex I need to tell: I choose this article because I can related with..................... Un intentional Torts -NEGLIGENCE (a concept learned in class), professional Malpractice, Negligence per Se, etc. or can be related with the bill of Rights as LIBERTY OF EXPRESSION, LIBERTY OF RELIGION, etc. it could be related to child pornography, obscene speech, defamatory language, etc. The article can be also related with a Intentional Tort (Battery, assault, false imprisonment etc., in addition could be related with Product and Strict Liability (defect in manufacture, defect in design, in packaging etc.
Depending of the article selected we need to related the article with the concepts mentioned above. It. could relate with one or more concepts.

This report should be between 1 and 2 pages in length. It must be typed in single space.



Business Law & Ethics, Finance

  • Category:- Business Law & Ethics
  • Reference No.:- M948899

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