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A teacher is interested in comparing effects of three different kinds of rehearsal techniques (Rote rehearsal, Imagery, as well as Story) on number of words recalled. Participants are randomly assigned into three different groups. In each group, participants are asked to study a list of words using the assigned method. The following table shows the result.

Rote rehearsal Imagery Story

5 5 7
5 4 6
4 6 8
6 7 9
5 7 6
4 6 9
3 8 8
5 5 10
6 7 9

a. What statistical test should be used to analyze the data?

b. Identify H0 and Ha for this study.

c. Conduct the appropriate analysis.

d. Should H0 be rejected? What should the researcher conclude?

e. If there is a significant difference, conduct the post hoc test.

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M91121863

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