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A researcher was interested in comparing the salaries of female and male employees of a particular company. Independent random samples of female employees? (sample 1) and male employees? (sample 2) were taken to calculate the mean? salary, in dollars per? week, for each group. A? 90% confidence interval for the? difference, μ1-μ2, between the mean weekly salary of all female employees and the mean weekly salary of all male employees was determined to be (-$110,$10). Interpret this confidence interval.

A. ?90% of the time females at this company make less than males.

B. The probability that a randomly selected female employee at this company makes between? $110 less and? $10 more per week than a randomly selected male employee is 0.9.

C. Based on these? data, One can be? 90% confident that female employees at this company average between? $110 less and? $10 more per week than the male employees.

D. Based on these? data, One can be? 90% confident that male employees at this company average between? $110 less and? $10 more per week than the female employees.

E. Since 0 is contained in the? interval, the probability that male employees at this company earn the same as females at this company is 0.9.

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M92364245
  • Price:- $25

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