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A random sample of 20 female executives from companies with assets over $1 million was selected and asked for their annual income and level of education. The ANOVA comparing the average income among three levels of education rejected the null hypothesis. The Mean Square Error (MSE) was 250. The following table summarized the results: Number Samples: High School or Less = 4, Undergraduate = 6, and Master's Degree or More = 10 Mean Salary ($1000's): High School or Less = 52, Undergraduate Degree = 95, Master's Degree or More = 100. 1. Compare the mean annual incomes of female executives with an undergraudate degree and female executives with a master's degree or more, compute the 99% confidence interval. 2. To compare the mean annual incomes of female executives with a high school education or less and female executives with a master's degree or more, compute the 90% confidence interval.

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M91112485

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