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A health researcher wanted to know if there was a difference in success rates between three methods of quitting smoking: A, B, and C. She designed a study with 15 participants, 5 in each group, and asked participants to track how many cigarettes they smoked in a 2-week period. In the results of her study, she reported as follows: "The means of the groups (Method A: M = 156, SD = 33.6; Method B: M = 163, SD = 34.4; Method C: M = 145, SD = 48.4) did not differ significantly, F(2, 12) = .27; ns."

1) Explain and interpret these results to a person who understands the t test for independent means but is unfamiliar with analysis of variance

2) Provide an example of a study that would utilize a t test for a single sample. List three differences in how you would carry out hypothesis testing for a t test for a single sample versus for a Z test

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M91119491

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