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A further study finds that after 10 generation (˜200 years) a lot of inbreed has taken place in population. Two subpopulation 9 population A), consisting of 30% and 70 % of general population, respectively, have formed. Within population A, prevalence of recessive gene is 40%, whereas in population B it is 10 %

Suppose that in 25% of marriages both people are from population A, in 65% both are from population B, and 10% there is one partner from population A and one from partner B.( this information)
(the question is)

Q- Suppose that a baby is born with a birth defect, but the baby's ancestry is unknown. What is the posterior population that the baby will have both parents from population A, both parents from population B, or mixed ancestry, respectively?(Hint: Use Bayes' rule) can you please with more details because I want understand

Statistics and Probability, Statistics

  • Category:- Statistics and Probability
  • Reference No.:- M91117753

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